Okay, first major holiday of the eating season is done. So now it's time to get back on track and refocus as we navigate the rest of the eating season. Here are some tips on how to detox from the Thanksgiving eating frenzy.
- Get back in the routine. Skipping meals may sound like a good way to account for a weekend of overeating but this only sets you up for overeating at the next meal. Eating meals and snacks at regular intervals helps to stabilize your blood sugar, keep your energy up, and prevent you from reaching for a sugary treat in the afternoon.
- Power Up with Protein. We tend to eat more carbs at holidays (such as stuffing, sweet potatoes, rolls, pies, etc...) since they tend to be a central focus. Too many carbs makes us feel sleepy and causes a roller coaster reaction of blood sugar highs then low. Focus on having protein at meals and snacks such as lean meats, beans, tofu, and low fat dairy products. Protein is digested more slowly than carbs and it also causes you to burn a few more calories as you digest it.
- Hide the Scale and Hydrate. All those extra carbs, alcohol, and salty foods have left you dehydrated and bloated. Starchy foods and salt tend to make us retain water while alcohol tends to dehydrate us, causing the kidneys to hold onto the water the body has. This can make us seem like we gained weight but it's really water weight. Water is essential to digestion as it helps the body make bile and stomach acids. If you are dehydrated, the body needs to pull water from other parts of the body to get the digestive work done, which can cause bloating and cramping. Make sure to drink water throughout the day so you can rehydrate and help your body process the food you eat.
- Focus on fruits and veggies. The fiber in fruits and veggies is Mother Nature's helper. The fiber not only helps keep you regular but also helps to fill you up for fewer calories. Reach for 5-9 servings of fruits and vegetables a day. Saute some spinach, tomatoes and mushrooms to add to your morning eggs; snack on fruit between meals; skip the pasta and stir fry zucchini, yellow squash and mushrooms in tomato sauce.
- "Waste" it or "Waist" it. If the leftover pie is still taunting you, remove the temptation and pitch it. Stop worrying about "wasting" food because if you eat it, it goes to your "waist." Eating food when you're not hungry will not help one starving child. Doesn't that food look better in the trash can than on your waist?
- Shake What Your Momma Gave You. The holidays are supposed to be happy, but oftentimes it stirs up negative emotions instead. Exercise helps to boost you mood and burn some extra calories.