Monday, November 2, 2009

Motivation Monday - Let's Turn Up the Heat!

I'm feeling like a Monday, but someday I'll be Saturday night.
-Bon Jovi

It's Monday afternoon, and you're back to the grind. You're sitting at your desk, maybe tied to your computer, as the afternoon slump hits. You want to put your head down and close your eyes - just for a minute. You start to contemplate getting a caffeine or sugar hit to get you through the rest of your day. You may be thinking about skipping your workout tonight. You're tired, it's chilly outside, and with the time change, it will be dark by 5:00 pm. You go to work in the dark and come home in the dark. You suddenly realize you have become the equivalent of a human mushroom, never seeing the sun. Your family room couch is calling your name and telling you: "You work too hard. Come home, relax and eat something tasty."

In the words of Cher in the movie Moonstruck: "Snap out of it."

Every day we have many choices to make - whether we exercise or not, what we decide to eat, and how we take care of ourselves. So here is a short motivational video titled "212 The Extra Degree" to help keep you going, serving as a reminder that it's your life and you are responsible for the results.

Are you feeling pumped up now? Are you ready to attack your workout? Are you ready to release the hard core beast from within? Monday afternoon has got nothing on you.

Ah - now don't you feel better? Let me know what you think.

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