Thursday, April 15, 2010

Are Your Habits Past Their Expiration Date?

The other day while I was waiting for an appointment, I was thumbing through a popular women's health and fitness magazine. One article that caught my attention was written by a women who had just gone through a bad break-up with her boyfriend. As she was wallowing in Haagen-Dazs ice cream and self-pity, her Dad put it all in perspective when he simply said: "I guess relationships have an expiration date." It was then she realized she that she held on to her boyfriend longer than she should and like sour milk, it was time throw out the toxic substances in her life and re-emerge healthier and happier. (Cue the inspirational music.)

Anyway, this got me thinking about the nutrition habits in our life. People often cling to unhealthy habits because they're as comfortable as an old pair of sweatpants. Though we perceive that it's easier to keep doing the "same old same old" with our eating, eventually we do pay a price for our unhealthy habits - whether that be not looking how we want, not feeling as well, or having health problems. (Think back to having to put on a pair of pants with an actual zipper after days of eating our way through snowpocalypse - not pretty.)

So I challenge you to ask yourself two questions:

1. Which of my eating habits are way past their expiration date?

2. What nutrition patterns need to be discarded so I can look and feel my best?

Awareness is the first step before true change can begin.

Need help answering these questions and moving forward? I'm always here to help.

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