Friday, January 8, 2010

Simple Is Not The Same As Easy!

Now that we're well into January, we're being overwhelmed with TV commercials for diets and infomericals for exercise gadgets that promise us the body of our dreams. One of the latest commericals is the Drive-Thru Diet by Taco Bell, featuring Christine who lost 54 pounds over 2 years by choosing items off their lower calorie Fresco menu and reducing her overall calorie intake. Keep flipping TV channels and you might see commericals for the Special K diet, Subway's poster boy for weight loss Jared, or one of the many companies that offer pre-packaged meals. So if losing weight is just a matter of eating healthier foods and smaller portions, why is losing weight and keeping it off so hard?

Because simple is not the same as easy.

Diets - especially strict ones - are so popular because many of them have simple, straight-forward but rigid eating rules. Often they limit all choice. As long as you're following the rules you're "on track" and guaranteed quick success. Strict diets are so appealing because in our busy and stressful lives we are often happy to "check our brain at the door" and just be told exactly what to do. No thinking required. Many of these type of diets are successful in the short term - you lose weight and think "Yes, I've accomplished my goal."

Then life happens.

You might start to go back to you previous eating habits and the weight starts to creep back on. Or you've been so strict with your eating that you feel deprived and start eating all your "forbidden" foods and can't stop. Or you find that trying to stick to the diet is "consuming" your life and only making you feel frustrated and deprived. Next comes the "shame spiral" in which we mistakenly beat ourselves up for being so "weak" when in reality it is our diet that has failed us.

I have many clients that come to me after trying to stick to these popular diets. In the beginning they often get quick results but often these results quickly diminish and they soon realize that it's not feasible for them to continue these habits for the long-term.

Don't just diet. Change your life.

This year I challenge you to not just diet but to develop a lasting, healthy partnership with your body. One way to do that is through an informed and supportive environment. I'm offering a 9-week weight loss class starting Jan 26. Check out the following link for more details:

Will this be the year that you create a healthy new life? Only you have the power to decide.

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