Monday, January 4, 2010

Could A Financial Fast Lead to Weight Loss?

As we start off the New Year, many people's focus is on detoxing from two overindulgences - eating and spending. We eat and spend our way through the holiday season and then in January the bill comes due - either as extra weight or literally as our credit card bill arrives in the mail. Here's a way to conquer both of these goals at the same time.

Sunday's Washington Post's business section had an interesting article by personal finance columnist Michelle Singletary on how a 21-day financial fast will improve your money management. In the article she recommends taking 21 days to only buy the absolute necessities - food and medicine.

In terms of nutrition this means no eating out (yes breakfast and lunch count), no fast food, no grande lattes, and no snacks from the vending machine. Instead food is made at home and brought with you to work or on-the-go (even coffee). Ideally you would also determine your food budget and then write out a list for the grocery store before you go to reduce impulse purchases.

Eating out less is not only healthier but also saves money. One lady profiled in the slide show saved about $250 during the financial fast "just by eliminating basic 'snackage' such as morning breakfast treats and trips to fast-food restaurants." The financial fast could help you lose weight as preparing your own food makes it easier to control how it is made and also to be aware of portion size. While most of us typically don't serve ourselves a steak the size of a dinner plate at home, we're disappointed if we don't receive large portions when eating out because we perceive we're not getting as much value. Taking a break from constantly buying meals and snacks can also help make you more aware of what you're habits are and what is an absolute necessity.

If doing a 21-day challenge seems daunting, I recommend at least trying it for 5 days. You will probably be surprised at what you learn about yourself and what you can live without.

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