Thursday, May 6, 2010

Prevent Weekend Diet Derailment

Yeah, the weekend is here. Time to kick back and let loose. Don't let a week of healthy eating be ruined by two days of overindulgence. Here are some tips to help keep your healthy eating on track while still having some fun.

1. Become a food Ninja. Plan and attack your indulgences strategically.

Enjoying what you're eating is not the same as eating everything you enjoy.

In other words, instead of trying to eat every treat food you love on the weekends (such as chips, pizza, booze, wings, and an ice cream sundae all in one meal), focus on one main splurge and choose healthier supporting options. Love dessert? Order strategically by choosing a lighter main entree such as broiled or grilled fish with lots of vegetables and save room for that dessert you crave.

2. Be a food snob.

Have you ever been craving a cookie and in trying to keep on track, ate yourself around the kitchen with healthier options only to end up eating the cookie on top of everything else? If you're craving the real deal, go for it but beware of mindless munching which can lead to overserving yourself. If you're going to enjoy a fun food, make sure you sit down, tune in to what you're eating, and savor every bite.

3. Keep a food diary.

Staying accountable is a good way to keep on track. Knowing you have to write down what you eat helps to keep you focused and keep portions in check. Many times we eat so automatically that we don't realize what we're doing until we begin writing it down. Keeping a food diary helps you to realize what your weekend sticking points are, such as Friday night happy hour, fast food drive-thrus, or maybe Sunday brunch.

4. Spoil your appetite.

Planning to go out to dinner on Saturday night? Have a light snack before you go so you won't arrive at the restaurant starving and end up attacking the bread basket like a predatory animal before your entree arrives. Good snack choices have a little bit of protein and/or healthy fat and some carbohydrates. Examples include string cheese and a few whole grain crackers, a piece of fruit smeared with some natural peanut butter, or a a small palmful of nuts.

5. Prepare like a boy scout.

Does your typical weekend involve spending most of your time in the car, running around doing errands, and possibly chauffeuring the kids to sports and other activities? Then always be prepared and pack healthy snacks with you. Good choices include grab-and-go items such as single-serving bags of nuts, fresh fruit, string cheese, energy bars, whole grain cereal in a Ziploc baggie, roasted soybeans (edamame) or even peanut or almond butter sandwiches on whole grain bread. Having healthy choices available gives you options rather than always having to hit the fast food drive-thru when hungry and tired.

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